Data Center Infrastructure
Siteserver Data Centers specializes in secure, high-density, network-rich colocation delivered with exceptional customer service. At Siteserver, we're committed to insuring your business is operating 24x7x365 at optimal performance. We offer a wide spectrum of services, from Shared hosting to complex management of Server farms.
In addition, customers can now combine their physical presence in our data center, with our flexible Cloud Computing infrastructure, which allows near instant ramp-up of servers, networking, and load balancing options.
Data Center Services
- 24x7 Remote Hands
- "Crash-Cart" Available for Customer use
- Advanced IP Monitoring Services w/Customer Portal
- Fully Managed "Virtual DataCenter" - Inquire for more Details
If you'd like to focus more on your business rather than worrying about the technology behind it, please contact one of
our Technical Sales Engineers. We'd appreciate the opportunity to quote Co-Location, Cloud Servers, or a combination of
both to simplify your IT Infrastructure while providing higher availability at peak performance.
Building Strucure
- Ample on-site parking
- Loading dock & forklift available for deliveries
- On-Site WiFi for Customer Convenience
- Shared Customer Conference Facilities
- Shared Lab Environment for Customer test-bed applications
We've designed our facility from the ground up to provide a secure, high availabilty Data Center.
Contact us today for a Site Tour of our Data Center.
Network Connectivity
- Multiple fiber feeds from diverse carriers
- Over 20gbps worth of capacity
- Uplinks include: AT&T, Level3, Savvis, Sprint, Cogent, Time Warner Cable, Telia, TiNET, InterNAP & More
- Dedicated 10gbps Fiber to One Wilshire
Siteserver offers one of the most "connected" buildings in Ventura County, with over 20gbps of Internet Connectivity.
We maintain private fiber to several carrier hotels and other Data Centers.
In addition, our own Carrier Class high-speed Microwave network offers primary & backup Internet and Layer 2 connectivity
between our facilities and nearly any business in the Ventura County & Los Angeles regions.
Data Center Security
- Primary Entrance Locked 24x7
- Over 30 Cameras Monitored by our On-Site NOC 24x7x365
- RFID Logged Access at every door
We take security seriously, whether physically or virtually.
Our facility maintains over 30 CCTV Cameras, 20+ Motion Sensors and other security measures to insure a secure Data Center environment.
In addition, we utilize EMC Storage Area Network's to insure all data in our managed environments are backed up at two diverse locations.
Data Center Cooling
- N+1 Cooling System
- Heat Rejection Exhaust Fans
- Overhead Air Ducts w/Under Floor and Ceiling Cooling
To insure an optimal operating envrionment for your equipment, a custom cooling system utilizes a mixture of condensers,
outside air (if certain paramaters are met) to deliver consistent cool air supply to the Data Center.
We utilize an energy-efficient Hot/Aisle-Cool/Aisle configuration to direct cool air directly to the equipment.
Power Density
- Up to 9KWs per Cabinet (Custom Build-Out available)
- UPS Power Available - 120v Single Phase, 208v Single Phase, 208v Three Phase
- Backup On-Site Diesel Power Generation
We've built our facility to support next generation equipment which demands upwards of 8KW per/rack.
Our facility is presently rated for nearly 250W per/sqft, nearly 5x industry standards.
Fire Suppression
- Dual-interlock, dry-pipe pre-action fire suppression system
Our Dry-Pipe system keeps water away from the Data Center. By charging the pipes with air instead of water, it insures any accidental
release doesn't dispurse water unless a number of other variables such as smoke & heat.